
Breaking News

Updated October 4th, 2004



Our 50th Reunion was an excellent two day event.  

We have lots of pictures that we will be sharing as soon as they are developed.

Work on the 50th Reunion Memory Booklet will begin soon.  Check back from time to time for the latest news.

Check the roster for a list of classmates who attended each event.


This edition of Breaking News includes a posting of 72 biographies for you to read

in order to get caught up on everyone's recent/past events.

If you haven't sent your biography to us yet, please do so so it can be included in the list.

Click here for a copy of the blank Biography form.  

Please complete and send to our mailing address below as soon as possible.

You will find some humorous as well as thoughtful items that have been submitted by classmates.

They help refresh memories from times past - click on the link below!

Please share the biography information with classmates you know that don't have web access.


Continentals 50th Reunion Biographies

Maps to the La Canada Flintridge Country Club, the Burbank Holiday Inn and the Tam O' Shanter

 Restaurant have been posted

Continue to check "Breaking News" for updated information.


Send us your news at and we will post it on our web page!

or mail to: Continentals 4960 Ellenwood Drive, Los Angeles, CA   90041
